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Emotional/Spiritual Healing


Terryl Walters


  • M.A. Marriage Family Child Counselor

  • 10 years on the Central Coast facilitating inner healing both in church settings and private practice.


Inner healing often brings about greater change than process counseling. With process counseling, you sometimes don’t get to the root of the problem. In inner healing, God uncovers the root and we deal with it. We find that forgiveness and rooting out untruthful beliefs is the key to a fast track for healing. We allow the Holy Spirit guide us into truth. This is a faith based modality but we are able to help all find relief…who doesn’t need to do forgiveness work and uncover lies in their life…we all do. This is the best way to restore your relationship with God, yourself and others.


The time frame for a session is 75 min. When available, a second person assists me who is taking notes, praying, and giving her insights as well.


My work is primarily by referral; I may call you and get some background information to be sure this is a good therapy for you.

I use a number of tools depending on the issue, one of which is SOZO for those who are familiar with that.


My deepest desire is that you would have a personal encounter with God, bring healing to your soul and have freedom from life-distorting lies and strongholds of the mind.


Cost per session is $80. / sliding scale available.


To make an appointment please contact Terryl Walters at (805) 903-2550

Energetic Pathways

200 S. 13th St.  Suite 214

Grover Beach, Ca 93433


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DISCLAIMER: The products and information mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. If you have a severe medical condition, see your physician of choice. Energetic Pathways © 2023. All Rights Reserved.

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